Lunar Rhythms for a Fertility Boost

The moon is associated with women, femininity and the cyclical rhythms of the natural world. Not only does the lunar calendar give us an opportunity to connect with our own unique nature, it also provides a framework for balancing our hormones and our energies. We’re living in an age when women are often times tracking every aspect of their lives to improve their health and fertility, let’s see how mother nature & the moon can guide us into balance as well.

Since the beginning of time, the new moon was referred to as a women’s moon or resting moon, as this was a natural time for menstruation. Historically women entered the “red tent” or a sacred space away from others and their responsibilities during menstruation. This reprieve and seclusion typically correlated with the new moon. The time away from caring for others and focus on rest also supported the cleansing and natural release from a woman’s body to help her experience greater health for the rest of the month to come.

In the days before electricity during the new moon or dark moon, there was little natural light in the world so it became a natural time of rest and renewal as the natural darkness supported this.  The new moon is a time for quiet, introspection and renewal. Even if a woman’s cycle is not aligned with the new moon, she can take time to rest, be in stillness and quietude to link to the new moon energy.

After this phase, the moon waxes until fullness. This is mirrored in a woman’s body as she is ideally replenishing and nourishing herself to build her system back up from the loss of blood, fluids and nutrients from menses. The building phase of the moon, like the follicular phase in a woman’s cycle is great for growth and expansion physically and also metaphorically with setting intentions and goals.

Then we have reached the full moon; the fullest and brightest expression, which correlates with ovulation. The juicy full moon can increase a woman’s cervical fluids, energy, creativity, connectedness and libido. The brightness from the moon historically was a time of outward connection, gatherings and also a natural time to conceive.

Then the moon weans back to darkness as women are either supporting implantation (if TTC) or getting ready to menstruate. The waning moon is a time for women to take stock and revisit intentions. She can clear out what is no longer serving her, begin to slow down- rest- reflect before starting the cycle anew. The luteal phase is an opportune time for self-reflection, gentle movement and journaling.

Since women’s cycles are continually changing it is not possible to be aligned with the lunar cycle all the time. However, I invite you to take a walk outside at night. Look up at the night sky, stars and moon and note the lunar phase. Pay attention to your own cycle and the themes the lunar rhythms provide.  Note how mother nature can also support your fertility through the lunar rhythms in the natural world and within your body.

Use Dr. Margo’s Fertile Mama Meditation Series to help synch your body and mind to each phase of your cycle for optimal wellness, vitality and fertility.

Book a discovery call if you’d like individualized help with wellness associated with your cycle and fertility. Dr. Margo looks forward to connecting!